O olho esquerdo está normal. O direito está uma pasta de sangue. Fico todo contorcido e mole, como se a bactéria atingisse meu corpo inteiro. As vezes é necessário pingar algumas gotas de colírio - o que me faz estremecer, já que detesto qualquer coisa que mexa com meu olho, mesmo que seja um liquidozinho inofensivo. Tenho medo de encostar minhas mãos em qualquer coisa, porque tenho medo que a doença se espalhe como as tropas de Napoleão pela minha casa. Fico em frente ao computador, conversando, perdendo alguma festa legal, perdendo as cervejas e, quem sabe, perdendo alguma pessoa legal para conversar.
Daí o olho começa a pesar e começa a arder e começa a coçar. E o simples ato de piscar o olho parece uma guilhotina cortando ainda mais meu pobre globo ocular, danificando ainda mais o que já está bem ferido. E meu corpo produz algumas defesas, tentando tirar a invasora, a bactéria. Mas, até agora, foi infeliz, embora suas forças estejam crescendo gradativamente, até o ponto em que a bactéria terá que declarar derrota, e meu corpo será vitorioso.
Os generais de guerra - conhecidos no nosso mundo como "médicos" - estão dando uma previsão de cinco dias para que isso aconteça. Como esse é ainda o primeiro dia de batalhas, ou uma, ou outra: ou eu perco meu feriado inteiro e ainda falto dois dias de aula, ou então meu corpo tem um sistema imunológico mais forte que o de uma pessoa comum. Acredito mais na primeira versão, embora gostaria que a segunda fosse verdadeira. Já pensou ser o super-homem da imunologia? Qualquer doença curada em apenas um dia, com apenas uma noite de sono.
Quando eu era criança costumava acreditar que, se eu dormisse, quando acordasse estaria melhor. Esse pensamento me salvou de muitas noites de febre alta, muitas noites sem conseguir respirar direito, muitas noites querendo me coçar mas não podendo. Era sempre assim: vai passar logo, finja que não é com você, amanhã vai estar tudo bem.
Agora que estou mais velho, essa maldita conjuntivite está tirando meu sono e transformando meu pequenino olho numa pasta de sangue. Não sei se foi por estresse que peguei a doença, mas é fato que não é com uma noite de sono que ela será curada, embora eu gostaria de acreditar nisso. Acho que vou faze-lo. Assim as coisas são mais fáceis.
Ou não?
Andei bebendo esses dias. Só cerveja como sempre, mas muita cerveja. É bom. Descontrai o ambiente, torna as outras pessoas muito mais interessantes. Através do álcool, é possível manter conversas agradáveis com quem quer que seja. Mesmos e elas não são tão enriquecedoras assim. Mas estou fugindo do ponto.
O fato é que a cerveja esteve presente nas duas festas que fui. Antes de ontem, rolou pires e depois casa da matriz. Foi divertido, como a matriz a muito tempo não era. Devem ter sido as companhias. Ontem, rolou a festa do fred e da dani, de aniversário. Foi fera. Fiquei tomando cervejas, fumando meus cigarros, conversando e jogando cartas.
Com amigos e cerveja tudo fica ótimo. E era justo o tipo de programa que eu estava precisando. Pelo menos com todas as coisas que andam acontecendo na minha vida. E amanhã também promete.
Primeiro, tem ensaio da Lírio Branco. Depois, devo marcar de sair com alguns amigos meus, para mais cervejas, mais diversão e mais conversa. É muito bom poder fazer essas coisas. Tira a cabeça dos pensamentos nocivos que one might have. Especialmente eu.
O fato é que a cerveja esteve presente nas duas festas que fui. Antes de ontem, rolou pires e depois casa da matriz. Foi divertido, como a matriz a muito tempo não era. Devem ter sido as companhias. Ontem, rolou a festa do fred e da dani, de aniversário. Foi fera. Fiquei tomando cervejas, fumando meus cigarros, conversando e jogando cartas.
Com amigos e cerveja tudo fica ótimo. E era justo o tipo de programa que eu estava precisando. Pelo menos com todas as coisas que andam acontecendo na minha vida. E amanhã também promete.
Primeiro, tem ensaio da Lírio Branco. Depois, devo marcar de sair com alguns amigos meus, para mais cervejas, mais diversão e mais conversa. É muito bom poder fazer essas coisas. Tira a cabeça dos pensamentos nocivos que one might have. Especialmente eu.
...meu deus
Bright Eyes - Method Acting
there is no beginning to the story
a bookshelf sinks into the sand
& a language learned & forgot,
in turn, is studied once again
it's a shocking bit of footage
viewed from a shitty TV screen
you can squint at it through snowy static
to make out the meaning
just keep stretching the antennae,
hoping that it will come clear
we need some reception, a higher message,
just tell us what to fear
because i don't know what tommorow brings
it is alive with such possibilities
all i know is i feel better when i sing
burdens are lifted from me,
that is my voice rising!
so michael, please keep the tape rolling
boys, keep strumming those guitars
we need a record of our failures
we must document our love
i have sat too long in my silence
i have grown too old in my pain
to shed this skin, be born again,
it starts with the ending
so thank you friends for the time we shared
my love stays with you like sunlight & air
oh, how i truly wish i could keep hanging around here
but my joy is covering me
soon, i will disappear
it's not a movie,
no private screening
this method acting,
well, i call that living
it's like a fountain,
a door has opened
we have a problem with no solution
but to love & to be loved
so, i've made peace with the falling leaves
i see their same fate in my own body
but i won't be frightened when i am awoken from this dream
& returned to that which gave birth to me
& the story goes on & on & on & on...
Bright Eyes - Lover, I Don't Have To Love
I picked you out
Of a crowd and talked to you.
Said I liked your shoes,
You said, "Thanks, Can I follow you?"
So it's up the stairs,
And out of view. No prying eyes.
I poured some wine.
I asked your name;
You asked the time.
Now it's two o'clock.
The club is closed,
We are up the block.
Your hands are on me,
Pressing hard against your jeans,
Your tongue in my mouth,
Trying to keep the words from coming out,
You didn't care to know
Who else may have been you before.
I want a lover I don't have to love,
I want a girl who's too sad to give a fuck.
Where's the kid with the chemicals?
I thought he said to meet him here,
But I'm not sure.
I've got the money
If you've got the time.
He said, "It feels good."
I said "I'll give it a try."
Then my mind went dark,
We both forgot where your car was parked.
Let's just take the train.
I'll meet up with the band in the morning
Bad actors, with bad habits...
Some sad singers, they just play tragic.
And the phone is ringing,
And the van is leaving
Let's just keep touching,
Let's just keep...keep singing
I want a lover I don't have to love,
I want a boy who's so drunk he doesn't talk.
Where's the kid with the chemicals?
I got a hunger and I can't seem to get full.
I need some meaning I can memorize.
The kind I have always seems to slip my mind.
But you, but you...
You write such pretty words,
But life's no storybook.
Love's an excuse to get hurt.
And to hurt.
Do you like to hurt?
I do, I do.
Then hurt me,
Then hurt me,
Then hurt me...
Bright Eyes - Method Acting
there is no beginning to the story
a bookshelf sinks into the sand
& a language learned & forgot,
in turn, is studied once again
it's a shocking bit of footage
viewed from a shitty TV screen
you can squint at it through snowy static
to make out the meaning
just keep stretching the antennae,
hoping that it will come clear
we need some reception, a higher message,
just tell us what to fear
because i don't know what tommorow brings
it is alive with such possibilities
all i know is i feel better when i sing
burdens are lifted from me,
that is my voice rising!
so michael, please keep the tape rolling
boys, keep strumming those guitars
we need a record of our failures
we must document our love
i have sat too long in my silence
i have grown too old in my pain
to shed this skin, be born again,
it starts with the ending
so thank you friends for the time we shared
my love stays with you like sunlight & air
oh, how i truly wish i could keep hanging around here
but my joy is covering me
soon, i will disappear
it's not a movie,
no private screening
this method acting,
well, i call that living
it's like a fountain,
a door has opened
we have a problem with no solution
but to love & to be loved
so, i've made peace with the falling leaves
i see their same fate in my own body
but i won't be frightened when i am awoken from this dream
& returned to that which gave birth to me
& the story goes on & on & on & on...
Bright Eyes - Lover, I Don't Have To Love
I picked you out
Of a crowd and talked to you.
Said I liked your shoes,
You said, "Thanks, Can I follow you?"
So it's up the stairs,
And out of view. No prying eyes.
I poured some wine.
I asked your name;
You asked the time.
Now it's two o'clock.
The club is closed,
We are up the block.
Your hands are on me,
Pressing hard against your jeans,
Your tongue in my mouth,
Trying to keep the words from coming out,
You didn't care to know
Who else may have been you before.
I want a lover I don't have to love,
I want a girl who's too sad to give a fuck.
Where's the kid with the chemicals?
I thought he said to meet him here,
But I'm not sure.
I've got the money
If you've got the time.
He said, "It feels good."
I said "I'll give it a try."
Then my mind went dark,
We both forgot where your car was parked.
Let's just take the train.
I'll meet up with the band in the morning
Bad actors, with bad habits...
Some sad singers, they just play tragic.
And the phone is ringing,
And the van is leaving
Let's just keep touching,
Let's just keep...keep singing
I want a lover I don't have to love,
I want a boy who's so drunk he doesn't talk.
Where's the kid with the chemicals?
I got a hunger and I can't seem to get full.
I need some meaning I can memorize.
The kind I have always seems to slip my mind.
But you, but you...
You write such pretty words,
But life's no storybook.
Love's an excuse to get hurt.
And to hurt.
Do you like to hurt?
I do, I do.
Then hurt me,
Then hurt me,
Then hurt me...
Antigamente eu costumava escrever aqui "profusão de pensamentos". Já esqueci o número de vezes que essa pequena sentença apareceu nesse blog. Mas eu vou mudar um pouquinho. Mesmo porque, dessa vez é diferente - é algo que, de certa maneira, sempre quis escrever, mas nunca achava as palavras. E agora, elas me aparecem da maneira mais óbvia possível, mas que eu nunca haveria percebido não fossem as mudanças internas pelas quais passei a pouco tempo.
"profusão de sentimentos".
"profusão de sentimentos".
In your cousin car, leading to an underground night club, hoping for something unusual to happen, yet knowing that nothing would, drinking some industrialized vodka with lemon, talking bullshit, trying to forget something that you actually can't.
Getting stressed because one of your friends was barricated on the entrance to the night club, drinking some beer, talking with a friend living something so different yet so similar to what you're living, smoking one light cigarrete, and another, and another.
Saying goodbye to all of your friends, talking to a girl that looks so much like the one your head is all fucked up about, walking all alone trying to find something to do on the tiny night club, watching a muted t.v. just because some anime was being broadcasted, finishing your last can of beverage.
Talking to friend that you want to leave the place, dancing my bloody valentine's "only shallow", paying your bill, exiting the club, talking about your mother and father in the cab with that same friend that you talked about leaving the place.
Yet, there's more to say. Feeling lonely, lonely, lonely, trying hard to get used to this feeling that you were once so used to. Feeling your heart ache with the possibilities that one might have. Trying to erase those stupid little toughts that have no point at all. Thinking about writing on your web log.
In front of your computer, feeling cold, feeling down, feeling what you've never actually realized you'd feel, because you've postponed this moment forever.
Realizing that everybody is empty, and that you dont have any real friends, and that you must go on searching for your truth. Even if it is alone, and feeling like you're no longer an unity, but pieces of what you once were mixed with splashes of what you became.
Trying to find your glasses in the huge mess your room is right know, thinking about the trip you're about to have, thinking about everything in your like with absolutely no perspective at all.
Questioning yourself weather you should kill yourself or not, but then realizing that you're not a child anymore and that you should face your fears, troubles and depressions with a fist up.
This fist meaning "fuck off", without really meaning it, just childish protection, just so that you don't cry your heart out all over again.
eu poderia escrever a noite inteira. eu poderia dizer coisas a noite inteira. mas prefiro ficar por aqui. e prefiro proclamar meu amor a unica que realmente o merece. a única que sempre esteve ao meu lado o tempo inteiro e que conhece meu toque como ninguém mais.
a minha guitarra.
Getting stressed because one of your friends was barricated on the entrance to the night club, drinking some beer, talking with a friend living something so different yet so similar to what you're living, smoking one light cigarrete, and another, and another.
Saying goodbye to all of your friends, talking to a girl that looks so much like the one your head is all fucked up about, walking all alone trying to find something to do on the tiny night club, watching a muted t.v. just because some anime was being broadcasted, finishing your last can of beverage.
Talking to friend that you want to leave the place, dancing my bloody valentine's "only shallow", paying your bill, exiting the club, talking about your mother and father in the cab with that same friend that you talked about leaving the place.
Yet, there's more to say. Feeling lonely, lonely, lonely, trying hard to get used to this feeling that you were once so used to. Feeling your heart ache with the possibilities that one might have. Trying to erase those stupid little toughts that have no point at all. Thinking about writing on your web log.
In front of your computer, feeling cold, feeling down, feeling what you've never actually realized you'd feel, because you've postponed this moment forever.
Realizing that everybody is empty, and that you dont have any real friends, and that you must go on searching for your truth. Even if it is alone, and feeling like you're no longer an unity, but pieces of what you once were mixed with splashes of what you became.
Trying to find your glasses in the huge mess your room is right know, thinking about the trip you're about to have, thinking about everything in your like with absolutely no perspective at all.
Questioning yourself weather you should kill yourself or not, but then realizing that you're not a child anymore and that you should face your fears, troubles and depressions with a fist up.
This fist meaning "fuck off", without really meaning it, just childish protection, just so that you don't cry your heart out all over again.
eu poderia escrever a noite inteira. eu poderia dizer coisas a noite inteira. mas prefiro ficar por aqui. e prefiro proclamar meu amor a unica que realmente o merece. a única que sempre esteve ao meu lado o tempo inteiro e que conhece meu toque como ninguém mais.
a minha guitarra.
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